Sage X3 eCommerce Success With CYMOT



CYMOT approached commercebuild to build an eCommerce webstore as they dreamed of being the eCommerce leaders in the automotive spare parts, PPE supplies, sporting, camping, and hardware equipment markets in Namibia.

Learn about their webstore implementation and why they chose commercebuild’s fully integrated Sage X3 eCommerce solution. 

March 26, 2011
2-minute read



A dynamic leader in the Namibian market, CYMOT, provides their customers the ability to purchase in store or online offering over 45,000 products in a wide array of categories ranging from automotive spare parts, PPE supplies, sporting, camping, and hardware equipment.

CYMOT’s vision to lead their respective markets led them to a pivotal decision – the establishment of a fully-fledged webstore. With their robust Sage X3 ERP system driving their operations, CYMOT sought a partner who could seamlessly integrate their eCommerce store with their ERP. Enter commercebuild, the chosen platform to design, implement, and host CYMOT’s webstore, offering unparalleled synchronization with their ERP system.


Since the implementation, CYMOT has witnessed a transformation in their operations. The real-time functionality of commercebuild webstore ensures that orders placed seamlessly integrate into their Sage X3 ERP, providing efficiency and accuracy in inventory management and order processing.

But it doesn’t stop there. CYMOT’s webstore caters to a diverse clientele, serving both retail and wholesale sectors with dedicated trade logins, personalized pricing, and comprehensive stock visibility. With commercebuild, CYMOT is not only meeting the demands of the present but also preparing for the future.

Looking ahead, CYMOT foresees substantial growth propelled by their eCommerce platform. In a landscape where eCommerce is still in its early stages, CYMOT stands as a pioneer, paving the way for digital transformation in Namibia. With commercebuild as their steadfast ally, CYMOT is the trailblazer in this evolving market.


Of course, challenges arise, but with commercebuild’s support, CYMOT navigates through them to find a solution. Axel Theissen, Chairman of CYMOT, says “We reach out to commercebuild, and within an hour or two, the answer is there and our system is fully live and operational again. So the end user basically sees a fully functional webshop 24/7.

As we celebrate the success of CYMOT, it’s evident that with the right tools and partners, any vision can be turned into reality. Together with commercebuild, CYMOT continues to redefine standards and set new benchmarks in the world of eCommerce.

To learn how commercebuild can help you to to expand into new markets and drive new revenue with an eCommerce webstore, book a demo with us today!

See for yourself how our B2B eCommerce solution works